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A Living Sacrifice.

“Beloved friends, how should we respond to God’s incredible mercies? By offering ourselves to Him as sacred, living sacrifices. Live in holiness, doing what pleases Him, for this is your true expression of worship.” Romans 12:1 TPT

Sacrifice is the act of giving up something valuable for the sake of something greater. Jesus Christ became the ultimate sacrifice once and for all, saving all who believe. God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, gave His Son for the sins of the world.

In today’s text, we are asked: how should we respond to God’s marvelous mercy? When someone gives you something of great value, it is natural to express gratitude and praise them for their generosity.

Romans 12:1 teaches us that in response to God’s mercy—His giving up of His only Son for us—our proper response is to surrender our lives fully to Him. We are called to live in holiness, doing what pleases and delights God.

This is how we truly express our gratitude for His mercies. Beyond saying “thank You” for salvation, we are to live it out every day as a genuine form of worship.

Being a living sacrifice is not easy, nor was it meant to be. It requires daily commitment to God’s ways through prayer and immersion in His Word.

It means surrendering all that we have for God to take control and doing things His way, not following the desires of our flesh.

Pray: Holy Spirit, help me to live daily as a living sacrifice to God, in Jesus’ name