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All Round Growth

Luke 2:52 KJV
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

If Jesus grew,that means growth is very important. Growth is a sign that a man is not dead.

The Life of Jesus shows us what ideal Growth looks like

Jesus grew in four areas

Jesus grew mentally- He grew in wisdom

Jesus grew physically- He grew in stature

Jesus grew spiritually-
He grew with favor with God

Jesus grew Socially- He grew In favor with man.

If you must really grow,you need to ask for the grace to grow in these four areas.

The fastest way to grow in wisdom is to be connected to God- the Author of wisdom.

The best way to grow physically is to be connected to God and be intentional about your eating and lifestyle routine.

The best way to grow spiritually is to be connected to God- the head of all spirits

The best way to grow socially is to be sincere with people.

You need people as much as you need God.

God is very powerful but God did not bury Jesus, it was a man, Joseph.

You need your health so that you can enjoy comfort.

You need wisdom so that you would be sought after. Wisdom can make even your enemy to be at your mercy.

By the Force of prophecy, in the name of Jesus, grow in these areas!

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