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Are You Ready?

“I heard the Lord saying, ‘Whom should I send to my people? Who will go to represent us?’ I spoke up and said, ‘I will be the one. Send me.’ Isaiah 6:8 TPT

The year has fully commenced, and many of us are just not ready for anything at all. Yes, we say a lot about the things we want to accomplish—claiming we’re ready to do God’s work even more, ready to be better than we were last year.

But truly, what your mouth says does not correspond with your mind, your heart, and your efforts. Everything is just a lie. Many people are not ready—neither for God’s assignment nor their personal achievements.

NEVER FAKE WHAT CAN BE REAL, SIR. This is 2025. Be prepared and be ready.

There are many assignments that God wants to entrust to His people, and trust me, God will not place critical and important tasks in the hands of an unserious fellow. It is not the validation of men that shows you are ready, sir.

Many people today have mastered the art of pretending to be what they are not, convincing others they are at the very top. But I tell you, this year, such people will be exposed if they do not change because “GOD WILL COMMIT NOTHING INTO THEIR HANDS.” When you are truly ready, God knows you are.

Just like Isaiah in today’s scripture, how many of us can truly say, “I will be the one. Send me”?

I come to you this morning with advice, by the rod of the apostolic and the prophetic:


• Physically, be ready.

• Spiritually, be ready.

• As far as your life and destiny are concerned, sir, be ready!

God bless you.