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Before You Pay

Jonah 1:3 KJV
But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord , and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord

I once Said, before you PAY, PRAY. If you PAY for anything without consulting God, you can pay for it twice. You would pay with your money and your destiny or even your life or future.

I know you can afford to rent that shop but please sir, Pray.

I know you can afford to buy that ticket but please sir, Pray.

I know you can afford that house, but please sir, Pray.

I know you can afford that flat, but please sir, Pray.

That school, you can afford to Pay the fees but please, Pray.


So many people have entered flights and lost their life in the process, it was as if they paid to die.

So many people have relocated and their glory refused to relocate with them.

Some people have sent their children to schools and they have turned out wayward.

Jonah Paid for a journey and it almost cost him his life. He entered into the mouth of a fish, you can enter into the agenda of demons when you don’t pray. Always Pray.

Affordability is not a sign of Divine direction and approval, please Pray.

Don’t forget, God directs our paths!
Your path shines forever!
God is with you!