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Build Strategic Relationships (Pt. 2)

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” Psalm 115:16 KJV

I will continue my teaching on building strategic relationships, and let me say this:

To those of you who dislike everyone and claim, “It’s just the Holy Spirit I walk with,”—you have no friends, you don’t greet people, and you say things like, “I like my own space; I prefer to be alone.” Even when men try to connect with you, you insist, “I will win alone with God.”

You are right, sir, but let me tell you this morning: YOUR VICTORY WILL REMAIN IN THE REALM OF THE SPIRIT.

So, sir, by the help of God, I tell you this morning—if you must find expression and thrive on this earth, you need men. You need strategic relationships.

This wrong mentality we carry is the reason many of us continue to suffer unnecessarily, despite so much prayer. Angels do not sign signatures—men do. Sometimes, one strategic relationship is all you need.

Have we not heard the GS say, “All you need is a referral”? Even when God wants to speak about you, He will speak to the ears of a man. Yet, many of us have become overly spiritual and are ignoring the principles of life and wisdom as far as the earth is concerned.

Some of you, after reading this morning’s devotion, will go back and restore a relationship, because that is the answer to your prayer. Many of us are in unnecessary fights and competitions with the very people we should be building and nurturing relationships with.

Wake up!

You can pray and pray, but the answer to your prayer and your rescue might be a strategic relationship.

Even God, by the principles He set in place, knows He needs a man to execute His will on earth.

Action Steps:

Grow strategic relationships.

Build strong connections.

They are the access you need—out of trouble and into your next level.

Are you ready to build a strategic relationship?

Are you ready to restore the one God gave you, which you lost through carelessness?

Are you ready?