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Build Up Your Appetite For God’s Power.

“Elijah said to Elisha, ‘Stay here, because the Lord has sent me to Bethel.’ But Elisha replied, ‘I will not leave you. I promise that, as surely as the Lord lives and as surely as you also live.’ So they went down to Bethel together.” 2 Kings‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬ ‭EASY‬‬

I welcome you to the month of Power in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Our opening text is a conversation between Elijah, the prophet of God who was about to be taken up to Heaven in a storm of wind and Elisha, his servant who has refused to leave him until he is imparted with Power despite other prophets continuous taunting to let his master go.

God had sent Elijah to three different cities before he is taken up, and this journey is not a 20-minutes ride in a private jet or limousine or uber or even bike.

This is a trekking journey of days and probably weeks, yet Elisha refused to let Elijah go alone.

Why, he was hungry, this is not fried rice and chicken kind of hunger, it is the hunger for the Power of God.

Elisha had seen many miracles done by Elijah, he had seen his master separated a river for them to walk on dry ground, he had heard that his master called down fire from heaven, outran the chariot of Ahab and so many other great things Elijah did.

Elisha became hungry the more for the Power of God and wanted his master to impart him but this time a double of Elijah’s anointing. I recently saw my Bishop preach with so much authority and manifestation of God’s Power and my spirit, soul and body caught fire and I desire more than ever to get to that level and surpass it.

This hunger stirred up my prayer life. We are starting to go fully into the month of Power, my goal is to stir up righteous appetite for Power in your spirit. 

“Now listen! I will send to you the gift that God my Father has promised to give to you. You must stay here in the city until this happens. Then the power of God will come from heaven and it will cover you.’” Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭49‬ ‭EASY‬‬

Jesus said those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled. Elisha’s hunger for the Power of God cost him a lot of patience, perseverance and watching diligently day and night, and he eventually was filled with double portion of his master’s anointing.

God does not give Power to those he has not tested, peradventure you still have some weaknesses that weigh you down spiritually or character wise, ask God to deal with them so you can be a whole vessel and carrier of His Majesty’s Power.


Father, baptize me with the anointing for Power in Jesus name. There be any dealings for you to do in my life for me to be a whole vessel and carrier of your Power, Father I surrender my life over and over again to you to do as you will in Jesus name.