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Matthew 6:11 AMPC
Give us this day our daily bread.

Matthew 6:11 is a verse from the Lord’s prayer. The disciples were being taught how to pray by Jesus and Jesus while teaching them how to pray made a very remarkable prayer, Jesus said, give us this day our daily bread.

It is important that you know, contrary to popular narratives, God is not just LORD, God is father. There are many things that God will do for you because he is your father and you are his child.

At no point should you overgrow asking the Lord for daily blessings. It is arrogance to assume you can outgrow God’s provision. Another look at that scripture, you will ask, why daily bread?

Just imagine you were to travel to Europe by road and because of that journey you would have to journey through the Sahara desert, a desert that the only way you will survive is by drinking water. So you estimate you will stay in desert for two months and then you carry 300 litres of water with you.

As you walk on foot you drag all the containers of water with you. Have you found out to think, isn’t this inconveniencing? Won’t this be a struggle? Won’t this load be too much?

God does not want this for you. God will not kill you because he wants to bless you. God does not want you to suffer the agony associated with carrying many containers of water or bread. He wants to bring it to you everyday. He wants to give it to you daily as you will need it per day.

Some of you were super blessed last year, you still think that Is the most God can do for you, the blessings of last year is for last year. Ask God for the blessings of 2024. Ask for the blessings of August and the blessings of Tuesday.

God is more than sufficient! You receive only when you ask!

Today, Ask! Ask! Ask!

The Shift Has Come.