Genesis 13:12 NLT
So Abram settled in the land of Canaan, and Lot moved his tents to a place near Sodom and settled among the cities of the plain.
Today, I want to repeat a note of warning, DO NOT GET CLOSE.
Lot decided to go and live close to Sodom, it was the mercy of God that delivered him when God eventually destroyed Sodom.
From going to live near Sodom, Lot lived at the gate of Sodom
Lot eventually moved into Sodom ( Genesis 14: 12 )
When you identify that something looks like sin, please run. Do not stand around it , do not sit around it, else you will walk in the way of sin.
When they start bringing juicy offers that will compromise your faith, do not calculate what your account balance will look like
The Bible is clear, flee from every appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22)
Today, tomorrow, in this year and beyond please flee!
Do not get close!
Till we arrive at the point of the full manifestation of what God has said concerning us, we will continue to share some of these things as we journey.
The Shift Has Come