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( John 3:26-28, Matthew 3:3 ) John 10:41 KJV And many resorted unto him, and said, *John did no miracle* : but all things that John spake of this man were true.Matthew 11:11 KJV Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a *greater than John the Baptist:* notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.Never leave what God has called you to do for what is *trending*Never abandon your assignment for what is in *Vogue*Do not change direction because another route is the *in-thing*Stay true to your call even when it is only you and God that understands what you are doing. When there is no one to clap,Sir,stay there. Your audience is coming!Being Alone is not always a sign of going in the wrong path. The Assignment of John was very clear and simple,be a forerunner to Jesus,make his path straight,go ahead of him and prepare the people for his ministry. that’s all! John was not called to do anything more. John performed NO miracle at all! oh,wasn’t he a Christian? Didn’t he have the spirit of the Prophet, Elijah? was he not called by God?John was called but for a specific assignment! he finished well and he was called a success. The reason John performed no miracle was because he was not called to do so, his only assignment was to prepare the way for Jesus. John was Loyal to that mandate and he became a success. Watch this,when Jesus is speaking,Jesus says, Among all the prophets,none ( NO ONE ) is greater than John. You may wonder,how was John fantastic? Success is not about being fantastic or all over the place,it is how you carry out your assignment. don’t leave your call for what you won’t be rewarded for. It is Powerful,John didn’t want popularity,he did not aim at being the talk of the city. John sacrificed Self to make sure Jesus succeeded. A day came and his disciples asked him,why are people going to Jesus to get baptised and not you,he quickly shut them down and said Jesus is greater than him. God has called you to a place and people are saying another place is lucrative,be very careful. Do not let them lead you out of destiny and glory. stay in your calling.Success is how well you have executed what you were instructed,not achievement of random things you felt like doing When Jesus wants to reward,he checks for your assignment and checks how well you have executed it. If your lecturer sets an exam and asks you questions and you answer questions you didn’t see and ignored or mixed it with the questions asked,no matter how brilliant your work is,you will still fail. To you,you have done well,to your lecturer,you didn’t do anything. Be careful of what you interpret as success,it is only God that knows the people that are succeeding. don’t be misled,the applause of people is not the verdict of God. Light has come, hallelujah. You cannot stay committed to an assignment you are not aware of. If you have no clue of what you are called to do,hastly,ask the father! It is bad when you are diverting from what you are called to do,it is even worse like the slave with one talent,doing nothing at all. In fulfilling your assignment,you must sacrifice all of you for all of him. Isaac woke up and decided to leave his nation,if God had not stopped him,he could have ended his destiny. Never walk outside of God’s voice. God stopped Isaac but allowed Joseph to go to Egypt,every assignment is personal. God has your blueprint,he didn’t give anyone to help him give it to you. Stop copying people. Know your calling If you are called to the prophetic,stay there,if HE has called you to the healing or teaching ministry,stay there,If he called you an intercessor,let him meet you there. You may be destined to be a prayer warrior and you leave praying and you are teaching third heavens and men are clapping for you but God is looking at you furiously. There is no one that can do what you do like you,it is more profitable to be original than being a copy of another person. If you want relevance, you must know what God has called you to do, outside that,your gifts and deposits are wasted,the father may as well take it from you. You do not waste anything from God. As you maximally put your deposits into use,May you become a success in Jesus ‘ mighty name