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During the Process

During the Process.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

David was a man that understood well God’s timing, he never forced his own will in his journey in destiny. David was anointed king at an early age around 15 years (1Sam16:13), till he became king of Judah at the age of 30, not even for once did he contend with King Saul for the throne, even though he knew he was chosen by God.

He went through so much from Saul chasing after his life to fleeing to other nations. One time he had to feign insanity just so he can survive (1Sam21:10-15), this is a man that was anointed to be king of the whole of Isreal. Another time he had to serve another king and be his subject just so he can survive (1Sam27:12), same man anointed to be king.

One important thing to learn from this is that, in your time of waiting, in the process of you becoming that great man or woman God destined you to be, trust in God, build capacity, expand in your knowledge, go for training, build your mental capacity, do not just sit around waiting for the fulfillment of God’s prophecies over your life.

Some people know within themselves that they are supposed to result to someone great in life, they know they are to be in big positions in the nearest future, but because of the challenges on their paths, they would rather give up. Challenges should not be the end of your process, you are meant to overcome it, hence, becoming more stronger and building capacity.

During the process, just like David, always put your trust in God, rely on Him for guidance. Remember, tough challenges does not last, tough people last.


Say; Father, as I go through my process in life, be my guide, instruct me in all my ways in Jesus name. I ask and receive speed as I go through my process to my destiny in Jesus name. Amen.