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Faith In Action (Part 2).

“My dear brothers and sisters, what good is it if someone claims to have faith but shows no deeds to prove it? Can such faith save anyone?” — James 2:14 (TPT).

In the first part of this discussion, we concluded that not all challenges are the work of demonic forces; sometimes, God is refining us for the next phase of our journey.

Today, we’ll continue by looking at John 6:1-14.

When Jesus asked Philip how they would feed the large crowd, Philip immediately began calculating the cost and time it would take to raise the necessary funds.

We often do the same thing—when God speaks to us, whether through His prophets, visions, or the Holy Spirit, our initial reaction is to analyze how it could be possible. This kind of analysis has weakened the faith of many believers.

Even small acts of faith can be enough for God to work in our lives. God often directs us to do things that seem illogical, but it’s not our role to question or investigate.

The issue isn’t always a lack of faith; it’s that we don’t take the necessary actions that should accompany our faith. Jesus instructed the disciples to have the people sit down, teaching them to be expectant.

It’s a mistake to come to God’s house without expectations, and it’s equally futile to pray without being ready or expecting an answer.

Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and then gave them back to the disciples to distribute to the crowd. This was another opportunity to stretch their faith as they shared the five loaves and two fish.

Afterward, Jesus instructed them to gather the leftovers, which filled 12 baskets. This was a lesson in maintaining the miracles God performs.

When God answers your prayers, it requires the same faith and effort to sustain what you’ve received as it did to ask in the first place.

I recently spoke with someone who I frequently encourage to release her faith when experiencing menstrual cramps, which had always been painful for her. She did, and found relief, but after some time, the severe pain returned. I told her that she had stopped praying, which is why the pain came back.

Indeed, the prayer had been answered, but ongoing prayer is needed to enforce and sustain that answered prayer. This means that even after your prayers are answered, you still need faith to maintain what you’ve received.

Pray: “Father, strengthen my faith by fire in Jesus’ name. Every good prophecy hanging over my destiny, manifest by fire in Jesus’ name. Amen