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Faith, Love and Courage

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love. 1 Corinthians 16:13‭-‬14 NLT

Today’s charge is swift, short, and easy to comprehend.

The bible made us understand as the last days approaches the love and faith of many shall wax cold.

I’m here to encourage us to stand firm in our belief in Christ Jesus not letting new world practices or excitements steal our minds away 4rm christ.

Love one another as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it.

Respect each person’s opinion and thought process, reason with love with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and more.

See the bigger picture of being a part of the Body of Christ and functioning to the best of your ability in that area.

Make a meaningful input in the world at large, although we are not of the world, our daily walk in it entails we leave a legacy that generations will follow.

Exhibit the characteristics of the father via the Holyspirit giving you the fullness of God’s presence.

And stay courageous…. I need you..yes indeed…but you need yourself more than I need you. Don’t compromise for the now .. it an eternity on both sides.. choose life

I love you all, have a blessed day and a fruitful week.