John 10:4 NKJV
And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
There is so much to talk about the sheep, the sheepfold and the shepherd but let us restrain ourselves today to say FOLLOW HIM
The reason why we should follow Jesus, our greatest shepherd is because he has gone before us.
In local palance, it is said ” follow who know road ” but we are not following a God that knows road, we are following a God that is the way himself.
God knows the route, he knows the bends, he knows the cuts, it is safe to follow him.
When you are in a strange place and you make friends with people that understand the route, you are safe, you are covered, you would not experience danger in any form.
You have not done life before, you have not had a former life to rehearse for this one, this life is not a rehearsal for another, follow Jesus.
The word of God is clear, God goes before us and will never leave us ( Deuteronomy 31:8 ) God is going before you to make the rough places smooth ( Isaiah 45:2 ) when the Israelites had issues, God went before then to lead them ( Exodus 13:21 ) every step of the way, be confident as you follow God because he has gone before you! It is in God’s nature throughout scripture to go before his people
God will not go with you and leave you stranded, he will not go with you she leaves you frustrated, he will be with you till the very end.
You may be unsure about life, follow him.
You may be confused about the routes, follow him.
You may be in panic about your future, follow him.
You may have lost hope about tomorrow, follow him.
With Jesus, you have a hope of glory.
You are not alone, God is with you!
God is extending a request today, follow him.
He is not asking you to follow him on Facebook, Instagram or X. He is asking you to follow him on life’s path! He wants to help you do life!
Make up your mind to follow Jesus!
Till we arrive at the point of the full manifestation of what God has said concerning us, we will continue to share some of these things as we journey.
The Shift Has Come