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Ephesians 5:18 KJV
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.

We have many Christians today that are in the bondage of addiction. We have believers that are even into sexual perversion and all sorts of addiction.

Many people ignore the fact that some believers are addicted but the Bible in itself is complete, complete enough to give us a remedy against addiction. The Solution is Simple, be filled with the spirit!

Reading materials to prepare for this topic, many experts suggested that an addicted person should substitute their desires with another desire. I agree with them, if you are to break free from the desires of wine you have to be filled with the holy spirit.

You cannot have the holy spirit and still have the desire for wine. You cannot get yourself filled with the holy spirit and preoccupy your mind with how to go back to pornography, betting, immoral sex and drunkenness.

As you walk with the holy spirit you will become sober to these things and at a point they will begin to disgust you, so much so that you will begin to change the associations that encouraged you to be bound.

When immoral thoughts come, respond with words! Do not say these words in your heart, say it out loud! Your thoughts that drive you to immorality are actually the words of the devil fired into your spirit, respond to thoughts with words. Respond to satan with words. Jesus fought thoughts with words!

Your thoughts are not your own, absolutely not. You think it belongs to you this is why you believe you are satisfying yourself when you fall to temptation, any thought that takes you out of godliness is from the devil ! In this place we fight thoughts with words !

The same way we confront negative reports with our words, we fight lust with our words !

Today, be filled with the spirit. Fellowship with the spirit, pray in the spirit ! Go through our church platform and spend soaking in the messages of our General Superintendent. Do this till you no longer have the time to think of evil !

You can come out of lust!
You can come out of addiction!
You are coming out!

Till we arrive at the point of the full manifestation of what God has said concerning us, we will continue to share some of these things as we journey.

The Shift Has Come.