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Mark 12:42-44 EASY

[42] But then a woman came there. Her husband had died and she was very poor. She put two small coins that had only a little value into the box.

[43] Jesus asked his disciples to come to him. He said to them, ‘I tell you this: This poor woman has put a better gift into the box than all the other people have put in there.

[44] All those rich people have plenty of money. They only put a small part of that into the box. But this woman has almost nothing. She put in all the money that she had. That was all the money that she needed to live.’

It may be interesting to know especially as new doctrines that discourage giving have become popular that in Jesus earthly ministry, offerings were collected. Not just that offerings were collected, in Mark 12 Jesus observed what the people gave and commended the widow.

In the new testament we give to express our love for God. We give because we have been blessed by God. We give because God has given. We give to contribute to kingdom advancement on the earth through our local church. We give so that we have even enough to care for the people of God around us and share the love of God with them.

The Bible encourages us to give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).

You can give to a level that you now begin to give SACRIFICIALLY. Among all the people that gave in Mark 12 it was only the widow that gave SACRIFICIALLY. The truth is, if you look at the value of what she gave, it may be the least, but compared to what she had left, she gave the greatest.

Any sacrifice that does not touch you directly is not a sacrifice. Any sacrifice that does not inconvenience you is not really a sacrifice. Jesus is encouraging us today to give SACRIFICIALLY.

If you are struggling with giving to God, it is a habit you should learn. Give because you are a son of God and it is the responsibility of sons of God to take the gospel to the nations.

There are souls that will be saved, deaths that would be avoided and freedom that will be gotten if you GIVE!

The Shift Has Come.