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Proverbs 3:19 EASY
The Lord used wisdom to create the earth. He understood the right way to create the heavens.

It is beautiful to be in the new year. If there is one thing that will make this year stand out for you, it is wisdom. Please go for wisdom.

As powerful as God Is, he used wisdom when he was creating. Till now if you look at the earth, you will appreciate the wisdom of God!

Do not just develop your spirit, develop your mind. Your results are a product of the state of your mind, a dead mind will never produce anything of value.

Do not be speaking in tongues with a dead mind. Pay anything it cost to feed your mind.

When you stop feeding your mind you start to die gradually. Consume books, consume educational content, attend workshops and seminars. Go for wisdom.

You cannot build anything of value in foolishness no matter how spiritual.

Let people talk to you for five minutes and want to return again because of the values that you carry.

Make up your mind to be valuable and watch kings come looking for you.

Till we arrive at the point of the full manifestation of what God has said concerning us, we will continue to share some of these things as we journey.

The Shift Has Come