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God Recovers and Restores.

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭25‬ ‭KJV‬‬

For something or someone to be recovered or restored means that at a time you had them for yourself but you lost it either by your own error or it was taken away from you forcefully.

Now, there are things that men can help you recover or restore, there are some that can be recovered only by prophecy and lastly there are some again that only God can recover or restore for you. 

For example, in a state where technology is well advanced, your car was stolen, you do not need to start fasting and going to see Pastors about it, all you need do is to report the case to the police and in no time the car will be tracked down and recovered back to you.

Again, King Hezekiah was sick to death and Prophet Isaiah was sent by God to tell him to set his house in order and be ready to die, but he prayed to God immediately the Prophet told him and while the Prophet was still in the palace, God told him to return and tell the King Hezekiah He has added 15 years to the his life. 

Billionaire Job also lost all he had to the Devil, properties, servants, children and even his dignity in the society. He knew that it was not a coincidence, he also had the understanding that if all that befell him could happen to him despite his walk with God in all sincerity and humility, then, God must have allowed it to happen to him. After many days and months had gone by and Job still remained faithful to God, he was restored but this time in double folds.

For all these restorations or recoveries to happen, if you pay close attention, there was something that the victims tendered. 

For the person whose car was stolen, he had to give proof of ownership before the police would get him his car.

For King Hezekiah, he took God back in time to how he served God with a track record from his youth till he was sick and God did not only restore his health but also added 15 years to it.

Job, could have died a poor and wretched man if he had just once renounced his faith in God. But even in his trial, he stood firm in trusting God and he was restored in double folds for all he had.

For you to be restored, what proof of ownership are bringing to the table, your service is to who, your faithfulness is to who? If you have nothing then you can still hold fast to the mercy of God, even if you have all the proofs you still need the mercy of God to be restored because He is God and He can decide not to restore you with all your credentials and He is still just. Amen


 Father, by your mercy, restore to me the years, months, days, hours that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm has eaten in Jesus mighty name. Amen.