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Greater Works

Greater Works.

“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭12‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Some still think that the Greater Works Jesus was talking about is for a special generic set of people, but, no, Jesus said “to anyone that believes in me as Savior”, it was never to be for Apostles alone, neither Evangelists alone, neither Prophets alone, neither Pastors or Bishops alone. Greater Works is for anyone, be it a 4 year old boy or a 16 year old teenager, all that matters is that you believe in Jesus as Savior and you obey God’s word, then you can do Greater Works.

Greater Works is replicating with great intensity the works Jesus did before he went to Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Greater Works involves WORKS, not just about faith alone, you must work. Let’s discuss briefly three ways to achieve Greater Works:

  • Study the life of Jesus while he was on earth. You can’t say you want to beat someone you do not know his record, history and background, you will fail utterly. To supercede the works Jesus did, first know the things he did, do them first, then you can think of doing greater than he did.
  • Get ready to work. I mentioned earlier that Greater Works involved Works. You have to be ready to FIRE PRAYER without ceasing. Prayer does not equip us for some greater works—prayer is the greater work” (Oswald Chambers, 1924). You want to do Greater Works, your prayer altar have to intensify even than Jesus’s own. Get ready to study the scriptures, you need to make research on the scriptures as well.
  • Be influential. Influence gives you a voiceand volume to that voice, it gives access to the hearts of men and it also pave way for end time harvesting of souls. Jesus was so influential and was the talk of his days that great men in authority look forward to meeting him to have an audience with him.

For us to do Greater Works, we have to take over all the mountains of influence; family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government.

Greater Works awaits us, and it requires your time, resources, strength and so on alongside with the help of the Holy Spirit, Greater Works than Jesus did, we are well able to do more.


Say: Father, release upon my life the mantle for greater works in Jesus mighty name.