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Guarding Your Circle

“So stop fooling yourselves! Evil companions will corrupt good morals and character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (TPT)

When Paul wrote these words to the church in Corinth, he was addressing a community vulnerable to influences that could lead them astray. The warning is simple but profound: who you surround yourself with matters. The people closest to you shape your attitudes, values, and ultimately your actions.

It’s easy to underestimate the power of relationships. You might think, “I’m strong enough in my faith; I won’t be affected.” But Paul’s reminder urges us not to be deceived. The more time we spend with people who pull us away from godly living, the more likely we are to compromise our morals and character, even subtly.

This doesn’t mean we should isolate ourselves or avoid unbelievers altogether—Jesus Himself spent time with sinners to show them God’s love.

However, there’s a difference between influencing others for Christ and being influenced by a culture that opposes Him.

Take a moment to reflect on your relationships. Do the people in your life encourage your walk with God, or do they pull you further from Him? Are your closest companions people who build you up in faith, or do they tempt you to compromise your convictions?

If you find that certain relationships are hindering your spiritual growth, pray for wisdom. Ask God to help you set healthy boundaries while still showing love and kindness. Surround yourself with godly companions who challenge you to grow and hold you accountable in your faith.


This week, evaluate your closest relationships. Identify one person who uplifts your faith and reach out to thank them for their influence. If you recognize a relationship that might be leading you away from God, pray about how you can lovingly set boundaries or share your faith with that person.


Lord, thank You for the reminder that the company I keep can shape my character and destiny. Surround me with people who love You and encourage me to walk closely with You. Give me the courage to set boundaries where needed and the grace to love others without compromising my faith in Jesus’ name. Amen.