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He is Unchanging.

“Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday, today, and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8 (AMP)

Our God remains unchanging and true. Throughout history, He has revealed Himself to the saints who came before us. Despite their flaws, shortcomings, and unfaithfulness, the Lord remained steadfast, never wavering in His faithfulness.

God is ever-reliable, trustworthy, and faithful to His promises—He can always be depended on. No matter the era, trends, or changes in society, His nature remains constant.

Unlike people, who often change due to circumstances, God remains faithful in all situations. He does not waver or shift; He is forever the same.

To those who came before us, He did not fail. He has a perfect record of fulfilling every promise. Not one word He speaks returns to Him without accomplishing its purpose.

Whatever may be causing you to doubt God’s promises regarding your life—whether it’s your academics, ministry, relationships, marriage, health, finances, or career—hold firm to this truth: God is faithful. 

He will fulfill every word spoken over you. As long as He has spoken, do not let go, do not give up, and do not waver in your faith. He will not change because of you—He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.



Father, I believe in Your Word. I trust in Your promises. I know You will not fail me, and I am confident that my life will become a testimony to all the nations. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.