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James 4:3 EASY
Even when you do ask God, you do not receive anything. That is because you ask for the wrong reason. You just want to use these things to make yourselves happy.

Everyday we have people praying. Prayers in churches, offices, homes and streets. To a large extent we are praying people. We have familiarised ourselves with the culture of prayer and we are not ignorant of the power of prayer.

The issue most times is, many people do not receive what they request for in prayer. So many have consoled themselves with possible reasons why God has not answered while others are more interested in the activity of prayer than in the answer.

Today, I want to share a fundamental reason from the scripture why prayers do not get answered. One of the reason why God does not answer your prayer in the way you want him to is because you have selfish motives.

God does not sponsor personal agendas. God does not support anything that centers around self. You cannot use self glorification to get God to give you supplies.

Anything God does through a man, he does it for the sake of others. God gave Abraham a son not for the flex of Abraham having a child but because he wanted to raise a nation through that child. God gave Samuel to Hannah not because having a son will fit her but because that son will be a prophet in Israel. God gave Solomon discernment, not because of personal motives, he gave it to him to equip him to serve those he ruled.

Even Jesus coming to earth was to save mankind. God will begin to provide for you when your motives shifts from you to your neighbours, family members, friends, church members and your community.

God does not give carelessly to men. Whatever he gives a man, he gives that man in trust for others.

Today, let your motives shift! Job remained small until he started to pray for his friends.

The Shift Has Come.