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Is Church Another Business Centre?

“In all that he did in the service of the Temple of God and in his efforts to follow God’s laws and commands, Hezekiah sought his God wholeheartedly. As a result, he was very successful.” 2 Chronicles‬ ‭31:21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Some believers would say some things and even show their “I don’t care attitudes” in their service to God as though their service is to man and one would wonder if they really understood what it means to serve in the Kingdom of God?

These kind of attitudes could be questioned and one would be shocked that church was never a place of worship to them but another business centre.

Another business centre where they come carry out feasibility study, to know the ones who are financially buoyant and start weighing bills on them in the name of Jesus. 

Another business centre to them where  church herself pays them for their services to God. There is nothing wrong in working in church but do not let that be the one and only reason you are in church to serve.

The Levites had no other work assigned to them than to serve in God’s tabernacle.  Church is first of all a place of worship and service to God. This should be your priority and primary reason you serve. Every other thing that comes after is secondary.

Let your service and worship to God be borne of genuine motive to serve and worship God in truth and in spirit.

We have so many church goers who are not genuine children of God, because their being in church is not to be transformed by the Word of God. Their ulterior motive is business and making money first and last of all.

If you are going to a place of worship without any spiritual expectation, you will get nothing at the end of it all because your desires are only on earthly things.

Let God be the major reason you serve Him. Even as you serve Him wholeheartedly, be expectant of nothing short of great success, because God keeps to His Word as those who serve Him genuinely and diligently in the past got nothing short of great success, yours will not be an exception.

Prayer: Father, I receive the Grace to serve and love you wholeheartedly, putting you first in all that I do in Jesus name.