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Romans 8:28 NLT‬
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

The life of a believer is a very supernatural life. In the physical it may look like you do not have an advantage, it may look like you are entangled in so much trouble, it may look like even God has forsaken you. The scriptures tell us ALL THINGS, this means even what we think is a BAD THING is working together for our good.

Now, for us to understand this, let me give this illustration. You may want to go for an interview and then there is a traffic that keeps you stranded, you may be downcast, but God can use your character towards other road users to give you an advantage before those that want to hire you.

This is why in any situation you find yourself, rejoice. Satan wants your joy do not lose it. Please do not lose it. Please do not lose it!

God can rearrange any situation in a way that it will be to your advantage!

Satan entered those that crucified Jesus, thinking his death was a victory to them not knowing they were helping him to fulfil his destiny.

When God starts with you, even satan will be a destiny helper.

All things are working for your good!!

The Shift Has Come!