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It’s Not Too Late

With Jesus as our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.
Hebrews 4:16 ERV

it’s another day the Lord has made and we would rejoice and be glad in it

it’s still the month specially opened for mercy. I like to remind us God’s mercy is unlimited and non discriminatory, that Jesus is our High priest and mediator to the father. He is still saying even though your garment is all stained with all sorts of wrong….It can still be changed to white as snow
You couldn’t have gone toooooo far in whatever sin it is that our high priest hand cannot reach you or that he won’t hear you. You can return back even in your closet, on the road side, deep in the well of life or wherever you are
it might also be a situation when you have done all that you think to attain a height and your capabilities are not just enough to get you there….
FEEL FREE to whisper to the father through our great high priest in the last week of this August August month…. No you cannot be too late… you can still enjoy the mercy of God

As you go today… in that most difficult situation as you cry to the Almighty, you would find mercy,
would be lifted from the pit of life
would be taken to new heights
would be called a new name
doors that have been closed would open to you , this last week of this month would yield unusual fruitfulness for you in Jesus

Good morning and much love.