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Jehovah Jireh My Shepherd.

“Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough.” Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The word most commonly used for “Shepherd” is taken from the root word ra’ah, which is also the Hebrew word for “best friend”. The unique term for Shepherd is ro’eh tzon- “lover of the flock”. 

This therefore teaches us that a Shepherd was not just a responsible overseer, but a caring father figure, tending to his flock out of the place of deep sense of love and also a fierce protector of the flock.

This is the kind of relationship David had with God when he says, the LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Now you would ask yourself, who really is your Shepherd?  Who is the one leading and directing your life? Is it this same JEHOVAH David knew.

For you to be among the flock that He shepherds, you have to submit your will totally to His control. You want to have the best of JEHOVAH JIREH, you have to follow diligently in His way. This is the life that David lived to experience JEHOVAH JIREH, always enquiring, making sure no decision is out of the will of God.

A Shepherd does not fend for flock that are not his, which is why JEHOVAH JIREH will not respond to some people who call to Him because they are not His. 

There is this declaration- WHO IS YOUR DADDY? JEHOVAH. Many people can say Jehovah is my Shepherd, but can Jehovah say of you that you are part of my flock?

Only those who follow the guidance of Jehovah will enjoy His divine provision and protection because only JEHOVAH JIREH can meet your emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

Peradventure, you have strayed off His sight, you have gone your own way, and you know within yourself, you are no longer among the flock He shepherds, JEHOVAH is always willing to have you back to Him, surrender to Him now.

Nothing is as good as knowing that all you would ever need are provided by JEHOVAH JIREH and you have more than enough.

Prayer- Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough in Jesus name.