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Par Excellence.

“O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens.” Psalms 8:1 NKJV

God has sent us into the world to transform it according to His will. 

However, while many people dedicate themselves fully to their worldly pursuits, producing undeniable results, the children of the most excellent God often operate in mediocrity, as the saying goes, “anywhere belle face.”

We are called to be lights in the world, shining brightly to bring glory to our Father in heaven. Yet, many children of God, who should be influencing and transforming the world to align with the Father’s will, are not letting their lights shine.

On social media, some Christians promote nudity, drugs, alcohol, and vulgar language instead of transforming the world. Rather than setting a higher standard, they conform to worldly ways.

Consider Christian fashion designers who promote revealing styles that mimic the world’s trends. Shouldn’t the church avoid corruption and maintain modesty in its designs?

In the music industry, many songs by believers lack the message of Christ. The lyrics are often empty, and the production is subpar. This pattern extends to many other fields.

You might argue that doing things the right way does not always yield widespread success. However, our Father is an excellent God, and all His works are marked by excellence. This should be our standard.

“But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them intelligence.” Job 32:8 NLT

It is time for believers to tap into the Spirit of God within them and illuminate their worlds with excellence. 

We must leave mediocrity behind and counter the sinful and corrupt products of this world with unparalleled excellence, influencing our surroundings for Christ.


Father, by Your Spirit within me, I am intelligent, and my works are excellent. In Jesus’ name, Amen.