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Matthew 6:33 NLT‬
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

This is a very powerful and popular verse in the scriptures. It is beyond a path where we receive, it shows us how to truly live as kingdom citizens and ambassadors.

While I was an undergraduate student, our fee covered hospital expenses, accomodation and feeding. If a student falls ill, he would not have to think about medical bills, he will go to the hospital, take medications and leave because he is entitled to it as a student. He would not also bother himself with food and accomodation because it has been paid for.

These are rights we enjoy just because we have paid our fees as students.

There are things that we disturb ourselves for that should come naturally to us as people of the kingdom, desiring and working towards kingdom come.

Jesus admonishes us to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness and we would not have to worry about the basic things of life because they will be added to us!

Do not seek things, seek God’s kingdom!

A man pursuing God’s kingdom is far more advantaged than a man seeking and lusting after things.

This week, be deliberate about seeking the kingdom of God!

Thx Shift Has Come.