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Matthew 9:35 EASY
Jesus went to visit all the towns and villages near there. He taught the people in the Jewish meeting places. He told them the good news about God’s kingdom. He also caused sick people to become well again from all their different pains and illnesses.

One thing the believer should desire from God is the ability to perform signs and wonders. A believe should be interested in healing the sick and casting out devils and demonstrating the power of God.

This is a major desire of believers. However, the power of God does not come to idle people. God does not invest his power in anyone that is not interested in doing the work of missions and spreading the gospel.

We see that Jesus healed the sick as he preached the word. The Apostles performed great signs through God as they went about to preach. Moses performed signs before the magicians because he was going on an errand for God.

One reason for signs and wonders is to help those without faith to receive and pay attention to the teaching of scripture. Teaching should always follow after signs.

As you trust God for signs, please and please, do the work of the ministry. Preach the word, witness to people, get the unbeliever saved!

The Shift Has Come.