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John 14:13 KJV
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

There is a difference between Giveaway and Help.

When you are on the road and boys are disturbing you, you can give them N500, N700, or a thousand Naira. That is Giveaway.

When you give Help, you are carrying that man and opening him up to opportunities, you give him access that will last him a lifetime.

Giveaway makes the recipient feel good, Help gives the Helped the capacity to Help The Helpless

Many people ask millionaires for giveaways, they send N10k and that’s the end. You are happy but there is something bigger than that.

Let’s run back to Scripture.

I want you to understand that When God answers your prayers, he is glorified in you. God is more glorified in your prosperity than in your scarcity. Nothing is glorifying in stagnation and helplessness. Even the Blind man was blind so that his healing will bring Glory to the Father.

Stop Asking God for ” 10k, 20k, 50k ” he would give you, but the financial demand of your destiny is even more than N10m

Ask For big things, God blesses according to his capacity and not according to your financial history! He can do anything, even Right Now!

When Praying, Pray that God gives you ideas that would keep you flying financially forever.

Pray That God would empower you to empower the Helpless

Pray that God would give you the capacity to lend to nations.

You need money so that you can have the capacity to appropriately downplay the value of money and tell the materialistic generation that even with my Billions- Jesus is My Lord!

Today is a Covenant Day of Opened financial doors, Go ahead and ask God to send The help that will change your story forever your way!

The Shift Is Coming