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Supernatural Strength Through Doctrine

“God has transmitted his very substance into every Scripture, for it is God-breathed. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Doctrine is basically teachings or instructions. Christian Doctrine is what the entire Bible has to say about a particular subject. Hence, we refer such as ‘doctrine of God’, ‘doctrine of Christ’, or ‘doctrine of the church’.

We have talked about strength in God, strength in service through prayer, now we would talk about supernatural strength through the teachings and instructions of God in the Bible.

Lack of adequate instruction leads to destruction. Many are just living without knowing the instructions that has been laid down for them to live a fulfilled life that pleases their Creator.

I once went for a test, the lecturer told us we have just five minutes to answer 20 questions, we were all like ‘this man just wants us to fail’. We got the question paper and we were shocked to see some calculations in it cause the course does not relate to any calculation at all, some started borrowing calculator here and there, before we knew it, time was up.
He collected the our answer scripts, asked how many were able to answer all the questions, some did, I could not finish mine. Then he asked how many read the instruction on the heading before starting, less than 5% of the class did that. The instructions was to answer like question 4, 6 and like two more, that was all. I will leave what the question was for another day.

So many of us failed the test not because we did not know the answers but because we simply did not read the instructions given. This is exactly how many people are living their lives thinking they are getting the answers rightly which sometimes are even correct but they are solving the wrong questions.

The Bible is not just some literature book, the teachings, instructions, stories, biographies, commandments and so on in the Bible are to empower us, to give us strength in making the right decisions and to lead us deeper into the path of godliness.

Lack of adequate instructions leads to destruction. You see how we failed in my test just because we did not follow the simple instructions in it.

“So until I come, be diligent in devouring the Word of God, be faithful in prayer, and in teaching the believers.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬ ‭TPT‬‬. This is how you get strength from God and in God.


Say; Holy Spirit, help me to remain faithful in reading your Word, in prayer, and in teaching the believers in Jesus name.