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Psalm 37:23 AMPC
The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].

We have many people who know how to write plans and proposals, we have many people who know how to discuss business ideas, entrepreneurship and investment goals and even academic dreams. The problem is, we have more talkers than actors.

You do not receive your portion in life by talking, you receive it by doing. Many of us have been speaking, we need to repent and start DOING. Even if your vision requires heavy capital and there is no hope for funding, always remember, there is always a small version of every big vision.

For your steps to be ordered by God you have to be in motion, you have to take steps. Sleeping in your bedroom is not a step. Step out and take a step.

Anytime God speaks to you, he speaks from the view of tomorrow, how you want to get to that tomorrow is what he will help you figure out AS YOU GO.

God spoke and told Abraham to leave his father’s house to a land that he will show him ( Genesis 12:1 ) the direction kept on coming as he continued to move and take steps. God did not show him the land in a dream that same day he told him to leave, God needed him to take a step.

God spoke to Moses to take his people out of Egypt to the land of promise ( Exodus 3:6-9 ) Moses did not know what will happen in between Egypt and the arrival at the land of promise but as he took steps, instructions did not stop coming.

As it applies to instructions, it is the same way it applies to supplies. Jesus fed 5000 men with five loaves of bread and two fish ( Matthew 14:13-21 ) the bread and fish did not come to Jesus before he set out to preach.

Today, God is reminding you again, he does not provide before you go, he provides as you go. He does not give full details of your calling most times before you go, instructions come as you go.

If our founder wanted the most appropriate environment before he would start Divine Christian Assembly, that day will never come. He stepped out in faith and now what a blessing the ministry is.

Step Out! This is the only way to secure a shift.

The Shift Has Come.