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Teach Me Your Statutes

The earth, O Lord , is full of Your mercy; Teach me Your statutes.
Psalms 119:64 NKJV

It’s another day the lord had made and we would Rejoice and b glad in it.

I don’t know where you are headed or what you intend to do, what challenge you see ahead of you for the week, the bible says the heart of kings are in the hands of the Lord and he directs whichever way he wants. In order for us to enjoy the mercies of God, we need to stay aligned to Him by learning His statutes….and then every part of the earth;
The wind would clear the road for you
The water would have mercy and not swallow you
The sun would have mercy and not smite you
The birds would have mercy and feed you
The beasts would have mercy and defend you
The King’s would have mercy and release to you your portion…..All the part of the earth 🌎 the bible says is full of God’s mercies.

May God’s High, low and all encompassing mercies be our testimony this week in Jesus name
Good mornings 🌅