
Listen to Fire Prayer


Listen to Hallelujah


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Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.
Colossians 4:2 AMP

It’s another day the Lord has made and we
would rejoice and be glad in it

Yes, the year is coming to an end, people, organizations, associations are winding down, relaxing for the year… but we as gallant soldiers in the Kingdom of God should never lose guard because our adversary the devil never gets tired, always going everywhere in the night and day, month by month, beginning and end of the year looking for who to devour. But he would not find anyone of us in Jesus name.

Even as we continue to FIRE PRAYER like the bishop would say on all cylinders it must be with an attitude of THANKSGIVING… and I would rather say THANKSGIVING.. i.e a thankful way of thinking, living, and attending to all things…not just because it’s the will of Christ Jesus and our Father…but it’s also a sure way of getting more from the Father.

So as we go this week still firing prayers… we intentionally, consciously, and purposefully cast our crowns, lift our hands, and bow our hearts. Thanking God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath not only bless us with all spiritual blessings but has been sponsoring our lives preserving, protecting, and providing for us since the beginning of the year

As we go this week … I pray for us
The grace of God over us protecting, providing, and preserving us would not cease…
We would not be used for satanic sacrifice or substitute in any way
The Good news enveloped and packaged for us this year-end would not miss our address

We would all be at the right place at the right time in Jesus name…Amen

🍓🍒FRUITFULNESS🍇💷💷💷 all the way

Much Love❤️