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The Discipline of Joseph.

“He who keeps instruction is in the way of life, but he who refuses correction goes astray.” – Proverbs 10:17 (NKJV)

Joe was a boy destined for greatness. Even as a child, he was aware of the prophecy over his life. Life, however, subjected him to rigorous trials.

Once a beloved son treated like a prince by his father, Joe was betrayed and sold into slavery. Despite this betrayal, it was never recorded that Joe resented his brothers. From the day he was sold, he had forgiven them—a remarkable virtue.

Many believers carry their hurt with them wherever they go, affecting those who had nothing to do with their pain. The saying goes, “hurt people hurt people.” Jesus can heal your hurt if you invite Him into your heart today.

Joe rose to a position of trust in his master’s house, Potiphar’s household. Life was improving until Potiphar’s wife pursued him, threatening his destiny. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Joe knew that sleeping with his master’s wife would ruin his life, so he fled.

His choice for righteousness landed him in prison. Common sense dictates that an affair with one’s boss’s wife is wrong and would likely end in disaster once discovered.

In prison, Joe was made head of the prisoners. When two inmates had troubling dreams, Joe interpreted them accurately: one was executed, and the other released but forgot about Joe for two years.

Eventually, Joe was called to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, which he did successfully, leading to his appointment as second-in-command of Egypt. During a famine, his brothers came to Egypt seeking food. As it is written, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”

“Then Joseph said to his brothers, ‘Please come near to me.’ So they came near. Then he said: ‘I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.'” – Genesis 45:4 (NKJV)

When there’s a prophecy over your life, the journey won’t be easy. The Devil can be cunning, even using those closest to you against you.

Unforgiveness and bitterness could have ended Joe’s journey. Fornication could have destroyed his future. Anger and resentment could have derailed him, but he overcame them all.

If you possess the strength of Samson without the discipline of Joseph, you’re a disaster waiting to happen.

Father, I will not fail You or my generation. Your prophecy over me shall be fulfilled and established in Jesus’ name. Amen.