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The King’s Business, Make Haste!

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” ‭‭John‬ ‭9‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

To every man/woman on planet Earth, there is a designated time given to fulfill their divine assignment in life. This tells us that a definite time has been allocated for every man to carry out his/her God sent purpose in the land of the living- the King’s business, make haste.

Regardless, if you do not complete your task or do not even start it at all, once your allocated time is up, that is it, you will be called to the judgement throne to give account of your time spent on Earth. God is the only One who gives an extension of time by His grace, this happens rarely(2kings20:1-6, Luke7:11-15) – the King’s business, time is of essence.

A man’s night can come in life either by old age or God entrusting His works in the hands of someone else. Jesus understood well His divine assignment, he started very early even as a boy building capacity, studying the scriptures, listening to learned doctors of the law. Jesus’ ministry was actively active on divine speed, short but very precise and it carries power- the King’s business, start early, start now.

People often do not always finish completely their Divinee Assignment in life, because they are short on time due to either ignorance or them just going off course of their purpose in destiny. Hence, the need for Divine Speed to catapult you on course from where you are to where you are supposed to be in destiny- the King’s business, you need DIVINE SPEED.

What God has encoded in your destiny is so much that you can not afford to even lose a day. As long as you know you are on the right track in your Divine Assignment in life with Jesus, do not stop, keep moving, keep on working till He says it is time to rest- the King’s business, do not rest until it is done.

The King’s business can only be carried out while it is day for no man can work when night comes.


Say; Father, give me understanding of my Divine Assignment. Peradventure, I am still lagging behind in destiny, Father catapult me by Your Divine Speed to where I am supposed to be today in Jesus name.
I receive abundant grace to finish well my Divine Assignment and to
please my KING at the end in Jesus mighty name. Amen.