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Genesis 1:4 AMPC
And God saw that the light was good (suitable, pleasant) and He approved it; and God separated the light from the darkness. [II Cor. 4:6.]

Very intently we have fixed our studies on the mindset of God. It is impossible to act and respond like God if we do not think like him.

If the culture and value system of a man must change, his mind must change. You get people to do anything you train their mind to accept. This is why you can never get value out of people with a defeated mind.

Today, we will look at one thing that is a major part of the mindset of God, it is the mindset of perfection.

God created light and he did not leave that creation until he approved it was good. If the light was not good, God would have done it over and over again.

When Jesus came, he was healing the sick and casting out devils but there came a blind man, Jesus healed him and the man said he could see but he could see men as trees and yet again we saw that God had a mindset of perfection.

Mark 8:25 AMPC
Then He put His hands on his eyes again; and the man looked intently [that is, fixed his eyes on definite objects], and he was restored and saw everything distinctly [even what was at a distance].

Jesus was not satisfied that the man could see, he stayed there until his sight was perfected.

As you do business, have a perfection mindset. Do not rejoice because you have done something, stay there and grow beyond mediocrity into excellence.

Never settle for average, it may be better but it is not the best.

Until you find the best way and the best result, do not quit trying, do not stop, do not rejoice!

The world celebrate outstanding results because it stands out.

In this season, you will only become an authority in your field when you are a perfection oriented person just like God.

The Shift Has Come.