
Listen to Fire Prayer


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John 14:14 NLT
Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!

The Greatest gift of God is Jesus! The kept promise of God is Jesus! The fulfilled word of God is Jesus!

The entire scripture revealed and written many decades apart reveals the person of Jesus as God’s plan of redemption and reconciliation.

The reason we have many things as we walk in partnership with the Lord is because of the name of Jesus!

God will not answer your prayer because you have prayed for 5 hours, is praying for long bad? Absolutely not. The scripture teaches us to pray continuously and to pray without ceasing ( 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

God will not answer your prayer because you have fasted for many months. Is fasting bad? Absolutely not. Even Jesus himself said this kind does not go except by prayer and fasting ( Matthew 17:21 )

As powerful as prayer and fasting is, as rewarding as prayer and fasting is. On itself it is not a guarantee that God will answer you. God will not respond to you because of your prayer and fasting, God will respond to you because you have come in the name of Jesus.

Your prayer and fasting is too small a sacrifice if we compare it to the sacrifice of Jesus. Your philanthropy and generosity is too small a sacrifice if we compare it to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. God will respond to you when you have come in the name of the one who has paid the final sacrifice, the person of Jesus.

What makes prayer answer is not the time or the duration, it is that the prayer is made in the name of Jesus!

When you come In his name, you have come in his stead, in his position, in his authority, in his majesty. The father sees Jesus through you and responds to you as he would respond to Jesus.

Cast out devils in the name of Jesus

Heal the sick in the name of Jesus

Raise the dead in the name of Jesus

Triumph in the name of Jesus!!

The Shift Has Come.