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Acts 2:4 NKJV And they were ALL filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Jesus promised his disciples that they will receive the holy spirit and that when the holy spirit comes, they will receive Power ( Acts 1:4-8 )

The promise of the holy spirit is not just for the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors and evangelists. It is for ALL!

When the holy spirit came like a mighty rushing wind in the upper room, just as it was promised, all of God’s disciples received it.

That promise is still on the table, if you can receive Jesus today you will receive the holy spirit!

You are not a powerful Christian because you do not have the holy spirit, it is the entrance of the holy spirit that gives you power ( Acts 1;8 )

You are not bold enough to go to the streets to witness because you do not have the holy spirit, it is the spirit of God that gives utterance to preach the word ( Acts 4:31 )

No matter how timid you are, at the upper room destinies are decided.

It is at the upper room that power is released!

God is calling you into a place in him where he would take your weaknesses and give you strength. God is calling you into a place in him where he will take your timidity and give you boldness.

You can be so much and do so much if you are willing to accept the gift of the holy spirit!

Nothing is yours without being received!

Till we arrive at the point of the full manifestation of what God has said concerning us, we will continue to share some of these things as we journey.

The Shift Has Come