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‭Luke 15:17 KJV‬
And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

Your life will change the day you decide to follow the line of reason, weighing your options, allowing the wisdom of God lead and direct you.

The prodigal son like many today took his portion of his inheritance early and journeyed to a land to spend it irrationally.

He did this until a time came when the funds required to fund his false elitist life was no longer in his disposal and he began to suffer. His was a case of ” grace to grass ” if it was written within our civilization.

As he reflected deeply on his suffering and his newly found broke, 2k seeking, 0-0-1 living condition, the bible records that a day came when he came to Himself.

The defining moment in the life of any man is the moment where a man comes to himself. I recommend that just like the prodigal son, even though your experience does not share the exact nature with his, I recommend you come to yourself on certain matters.

There are people you need to reconcile with so that your life can move forward. There are burnt bridges you need to rebuild, relationships you need to amend. Just so that your life improves. Most of our sufferings can go away with just one apology and reconciliation.

There is no need suffering when you can overcome ego and live once again like a King and Queen.

The story of the prodigal son did not end sour because he overcame ego and the arrogance of proving his father wrong, he did not see the need to prove anything. He, in humility just returned to his father.

Today return, return, return! The one you are returning to is expecting you!

The Shift Has Come