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James 4:2 NIV
You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.

There are many many things that we do and we think it is the way to receive from God.

That you covet the property of a man with such great obsession is irrelevant because that is not the Bible way to receive what he has.

When you want what a man has, the only way you can get it is to ask the God that gave it to him. Getting things is as simple as just asking and asking with the right motives.

My friend wanted a picture with the Vice chancellor of my university, he asked and he got it. It was that simple. The making of the request and the granting of it did not take up to a minute.

I stood there and wondered, oh how easy it is to get things from our father. If we can just ASK!

Do not kill, ask.
Do not covet, ask.
Do not pull down, ask.

Today, ask!

The Shift Has Come.