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The Wisdom of God (The Right Association) Pt. 2

“He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise, but the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm.” – Proverbs 13:20 (AMP)

We continue the series on the wisdom of God as we learn more about the importance of the right associations.

Many of us learned from the last teaching that association is powerful and a key factor in shaping one’s life.

I will begin today’s devotion by reminding us that love is a command, but association is not. Yes, it is mandatory to love everyone with the love of Christ, as instructed, but association is not a command. Therefore, we must be intentional about who we call friends and whom we associate with.

Not everyone can or should be in your life. Know what you want, understand where God is taking you, and hold on to what He has told you.

There is no such thing as “we grew up together” when it comes to your destiny. Edit your associations with the right intentions, while also having the courage and boldness to preserve and keep people in your life who align with your spiritual values and are intentional about where God is leading you.

The emotional blackmail of this generation is too much! Many are still associating with people because of statements like “we grew up together,” “we are from the same village,” or “we are family friends.” This emotional blackmail must stop in 2025. Wake up, sirs and madams! If someone does not sustain the values that promote the Kingdom, values that make for an impactful life, and values that foster intimacy with God, you don’t have to hate them, but it’s time to let them go.

A wrong association can sink your boat. Was it not because Jonah entered that boat that the sailors began to sink? He knew what he had done but kept silent while everything went wrong. Everyone threw their belongings overboard, and he watched them do it. Let me tell you this: human beings carry prophetic implications, and every individual comes with a presence.

I am sure God is already ministering to someone this morning. Your life is going through turbulence, and you’ve thrown away many of your life’s goods and efforts trying to stabilize your “boat,” but the turbulence hasn’t stopped. I bring you the wisdom of God: cutting off that wrong association, with the wisdom of God, is the solution.

Medical personnel tell us that certain diseases are communicable. Relating this to associations, when you are with the wrong people, their deadly problems can become your own. Many of you are fighting battles that aren’t even yours. Wake up this morning, sir, and with the wisdom of God, edit your relationships and associations!

I come this morning with the scepter of power given to me by my Father in the Lord, and I lift up that scepter to prophesy:

• Every demonic and satanic association in your life, I set it ablaze by fire in the name of Jesus!

• I decree that the Lord gives you wisdom, grace, and courage to edit your associations, in Jesus’ mighty name!

• I lift up that scepter once again and prophesy that every problem consuming you because of wrong associations shall be consumed by fire in Jesus’ name!

After today, if you apply the wisdom of God to edit the relationships in your life, I assure you that many of you will have great and mighty testimonies.

Be blessed!