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John 8:5 NKJV: Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?”

The religious leaders came to Jesus with a woman caught committing adultery.

Everytime I read this, it interests me that they did not bring the man that she committed adultery with, they only brought her.

They were very determined to see to it that she died, more than that, they were determined to send Jesus to prison and eliminate him with that case.

They came to Jesus saying, the law of Moses prescribed death for anyone committing adultery. They wanted Jesus to share his own opinion.

In this case, they expected Jesus to say either of this two

  1. That the adulterous woman be killed just as the law of Moses prescribed.
  2. That the woman should be spared.

You would think if Jesus had an opinion it wouldn’t have mattered, in the real sense it would.

At the time, the Jews were under colonial control by the Roman Empire, so just like Britain colonized Nigeria, the Roman Empire were their colonial masters.

Due to this, the Roman government prohibited the Jews from execution. They could not approve capital punishments like execution.

If Jesus had approved that the adulterous woman be killed, they would have sent Jesus to the Roman authority and would have had him punished.

If Jesus had said, ignore Moses and let her be, they would have mobbed him. The doctrines of Moses were their religion, Jesus would have been lynched.

Jesus was aware of this and instead of taking a stand, he evaluated the situation calmly and asked, if you do not have a sin throw the first stone. They left, from the eldest to the least and their agenda failed.

Learn from Jesus, do not be quick to speak your mind, do not be quick to share your opinion. Evaluate the situation and ask the holy spirit to help you.

” .. I will speak my mind… I will say it as it is … ” Has taken many to their early grave.

Jesus had a prescribed way he was meant to die, anything outside it would have been murder.

Till we arrive at the point of the full manifestation of what God has said concerning us, we will continue to share some of these things as we journey.

The Shift Has Come