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Time For Everything

Do not love [excessive] sleep, or you will become poor; Open your eyes [so that you can do your work] and you will be satisfied with bread.
Proverbs 20:13 AMP

Its another day the Lord has made and we would rejoice and be glad in it

There is a time for everything under the sun 🌞…A time to work and another rest. An imbalance between work and rest can be catastrophic to a man.

Some of us can testify that the undesirable positions we are in today is because of some relaxing that was done at the wrong time. While our body would always desire rest….we must understand that “too” much sleep would lead to poverty not just financially but also in your career, relationship and every other way.

When I first saw this scripture, I thought to always stay awake all night 🌃 and I would be rich …we must be careful not to overwork ourselves. Also when you stay awake, you must engage yourself with activity that could help you fulfill purpose e.g studying, meditating, praying etc gaining advantage of time over others asleep not just movies, video calls etc.

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands to rest……

May poverty never creep into our individual lives and destiny in Jesus name. Amen
We would all become Great men/women of valour in every field of life we have chosen in Jesus name
I pray a praise💃🏼🕺🏽 filled week for us all in Jesus name. Amen