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Tools for Supernatural Turnaround – Part 2

Previously, we discussed the power of prayer in transforming situations. Prayer was the tool Jabez used to lift the curse his mother placed on him, resulting in his becoming the most honorable and blessed among his brethren.

“Do you see a man skillful and experienced in his work? He will stand [in honor] before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:29‬ ‭AMP‬‬

In church, we learned about Activating Your Supernatural Turnaround. The question posed was, “What Do You Have?” God is not a magician; He requires something from you to turn your situation around supernaturally.

If you’re asking God for financial freedom but have only prayer—without work, qualifications, experience, or skills—it’s challenging to expect a transformation. Even if you have a dormant skill that isn’t being honed or utilized, with minimal experience and basic knowledge, how can you stand before kings in honor?

Consider David, who was a skilled musician with the harp. His mastery of the instrument led to his recommendation to King Saul. The servant who suggested him likely remembered seeing David perform multiple times at various events, showcasing his expertise. David’s skill and experience with the harp preceded his call to play for the King.

Everyone here likely prays for financial freedom and prosperity. It’s crucial to have a skill or qualification and to refine it until you are undeniably the best in your field. Achieving this level of mastery requires hard work and consistency over time.

Prayer: “Father, turn my financial situation around supernaturally. Let all see and acknowledge that this is the hand of God working in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”