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Matthew 9:28 AMPC
When He reached the house and went in, the blind men came to Him, and Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I am able to do this? They said to Him, Yes, Lord.

When God is asking if you can trust him for the supernatural, your response should be YES LORD.

When God is asking if you can trust him for the unexpected, your response should be YES LORD.

When God is asking if you can trust him for the unconventional, your response should be YES LORD.

When God is asking if you can trust him for what is not logically realized, your response should be YES LORD.

When God is asking if you can trust him for the medically impossible, your response should be YES LORD.

Anytime God wants to do anything in you and with you and through you, you should always come forward with faith.

God can do the impossible.
God can raise the dead.
God can heal the sick.

As long as you have faith in him.

This week, shun anything that will damage your faith.

When the call for restoration and healing comes, to Jesus please say YES LORD!

The Shift Has Come.